


an inspired inquiries community collaboration


Live from October 01 through November 01


Can we talk about divination?

Because I freaking love it.

I love to ask questions and listen to all the ways that life answers. Sometimes divination is diagnostic, helping us know what's happening under the surface. Sometimes it’s forecasting, helping us to peek into the future. And sometimes divination offers an intervention, keeping us from a less than optimal path.

If you've dibble dabbled in any of my classes you know that divination is a foundational aspect of my work. Doodles, free writing and collage all dish up the guidance goodness. In my personal life I also lean on Tarot, doing a five card spread with my beloved Morgan Greer deck every day. But there's another important pillar of divination juju I always circle back to:




I've created a number of dream based courses through the years. Because even though I am happy to jot down what I remember and figure out the curious messages for myself, there’s really something magic about everyone stepping in together and focusing on dreams. When we bring our collective attention and intention to dreamtime, it cranks up the volume for everyone!

One major stumbling block? Lots of folks don’t dream consistently. So how do we encourage a juicy daily engagement without needing to remember a dream every single night?

Well, I came up with a super fun idea for this coming month.
We’re going to:
feed the dream oracle



Here are the broad strokes: during the month of October, whenever you have a dream, you'll create your own three line poem and feed it into the swirling stew of our collective. And as our poems collect, I'll be sharing them in your inbox every day. You can use these inbox oracles for your own divination process. Ask a question and then read the daily message for the answer. Or just let the three lines guide you through your day.

I've been playing with the format and it's SO fun to take the cryptic chaos of a dream and pat it into a succinct sphinx message. I can't wait to read all the delightful directions culled from our collective!

We’ll be building momentum together, activating the collective field, honoring all the unconscious genius in a creative way and awakening the dream oracle with our attention.

You + Me + The Dream Oracle.
Are you in?